CEB Teacher Training

Coming in 2025

In the year-long training you will become certified to teach Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB), a 42 hour evidenced-based, emotion-focused program that has been delivered in health care, education, corporate, coaching and legal systems globally.

Click here for more information 

Cultivating Emotional Balance
Full 42-Hour Training

. with Corey Jackson, PhD.

Saturdays, May 24, 2025 to June 28, 2025, 8:30AM – 3:30PM AEST

Loccation: Langri Tangpa Centre 535 Old Cleveland Rd, Camp Hill QLD 4152, Australia

This full 42-hour, in-person CEB course includes a wide range of contemplative practices to cultivate mindfulness, kindness, compassion, equanimity, empathic joy, and insight. Each session will include guided meditation sessions to introduce new practices and time to discuss how to get the most out of them and do them effectively.

Sessions will also focus on the mechanics of emotions, how the meditation practices will get them on your side, and a closer look at seven emotions: anger, sadness (and depression), fear (and anxiety), disgust, contempt, and enjoyable emotions.

These sessions provide content and resources that support you in putting what you learn into practice from day one. This course is designed to give you direct experience of the potential of this combination of approaches to control your own mental health and wellbeing. Each week builds on the previous as you understand emotions more deeply and learn increasingly more subtle meditation practices and theories to get them working for you.

You are welcome to purchase a ticket for the first day introduction, or the entire course (which is a little cheaper).

For more information and registration, click here.

Emotional Balance Masterclass LIVE

by Dr. Filipe Rocha | LIVE + recordings available | starts January 7th

Discover how to transform your emotions from obstacles into best friends to recover control, heal yourself, and create the life you desire and deserve.

What You’ll discover in This Emotional Balance Masterclass™: The hidden reason why you’re stuck in negative patterns that harm you and hold you back from your goals. How you can finally break the cycle and rediscover joy, success, healthier relationships, and reach your next level. Confidence and ease to navigate your emotions, freeing yourself from the paralyzing grip of overwhelm. How to become able to respond rather than react to your emotional triggers and reclaim power over your life. My proven root-cause based approach that creates real, deep, and lasting transformation… even if you’ve tried your best to change without success.

Click here for information and to Register

Eight-Week Emotional Balance Boot Camp

Starts January 20, 2025

Join Dr. Filipe Rocha and transform your emotions from obstacles to your best friends, recover control, and create the life you desire and deserve.
For more information and to register click here.

Five-Day Deep Emotional Healing Immersive Retreat in the Azores

With Dr. Filipe Rocha

April 10-15, 2025

Now accepting applications for this five-day, intensive small-group retreat. The retreat will focus on healing and releasing deep-seated emotional patterns and traumas that no longer serve you.
There are only a few seats left. For more info and to access the online application, click here.

Cultivating Emotional Balance and Resilience 5-Day Immersive Retreat

with Corey Jackson, PhD

Friday, April 18, 2025 – Monday, April 21, 2025

Location: 9 Victoria Square, Ashfield, NSW 2131 Australia

This retreat will provide tools to facilitate and support the cultivation of stable and sustainable wellbeing, thereby enabling you greater ability to respond constructively rather than react destructively to emotional triggers.
More than merely coping strategies, this retreat is designed to give you the confidence to face whatever is coming next and keep your composure and sense of purpose no matter what. The meditation retreat format aims to provide a balance of teaching and contemplative space to deepen and integrate insights into your emotions and their relationship to stress and wellbeing through a unique blend of Buddhism and psychology.
This weekend will provide an opportunity to explore various contemplative practices, assess their potential, and choose those to which you are most drawn. Most importantly, you’ll learn ways to use the clarity, relaxation, and stability of the contemplative experience to more effectively manifest compassion and kindness in your daily life.

For more information and registration, click here.

Gestão Emocional nas Organizações: Cultivating Emotional Balance

Gestão Emocional nas Organizações: Cultivating Emotional Balance is the Cultivating Emotional Balance Teachers Training in Brazil. This course is a postgraduate program that trains instructors of Cultivating Emotional Balance and takes place at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, in a hybrid format (you can attend classes in person or live on the Zoom platform).

 Only the one-week retreat is 100% in person. 

More information on the website